Holidays Lauren Cook Holidays Lauren Cook

8 Strategies For A Mentally Healthy Holiday Season

In a perfect world, the holidays would be full of good cheer, and only good cheer. 

In reality, the extra-hectic schedule, expectations and desire to please others that tend to come with the season can lead to a less festive emotional state. 

This year, make a plan for lower-stress, higher-happiness holidays with these tips from mental health and wellness professionals.

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

Experts Explain Why We Stay in the Wrong Relationship

This isn’t necessarily an issue when you’re young and new to the dating world. It’s the whole point of dating — trying out and figuring out the type of relationship you want for the long run. But as you get older and these try outs become longer, it can be easy to get stuck. Before you know it, familiarity can look like love and time spent turns into reasons to stay. Before you know it, you’re happy… but not happy enough.

Why does this happen? Why do we stay in relationships that are just okay? Why are we willing to settle for a love that is less than?

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Holidays Lauren Cook Holidays Lauren Cook

How To Handle Awkward Questions During The Holidays

Although touted as the merriest and brightest of seasons, winter holidays, for me, can also deliver a dread and terror that’s more synonymous with Halloween. More specifically, it's the obligatory festive gatherings with family that often places me in the line of conversational fire. No matter how mentally prepared I arrive, I always seem to find myself fielding awkward questions that almost always pertain to my age and perpetual singleness.

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

How to Rebuild Trust in a Relationship, According to a Marriage Counselor

When you’ve been burned by someone you love, it’s hard to know where to begin. You’re torn between tending to your own wounds, surveying the full scope of the damage and rebuilding your relationship when the foundation looks like...rubble. Plus, no matter the size or specifics of the scandal, you weren’t the only one taken down by it—that person you love lost a lot of credibility and you might both be wishing you could go back to a time when your trust was intact.

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

10 Signs You’ve Found The One, According To Relationship Experts

For some, dating is simply a means to meet someone new and possibly make a connection that leads to friendship or a potential relationship. Others, however, can take a more intentional approach and use dates as vehicles to drive you to your soulmate. If you're in the latter category, you are well aware that said journey is not without its fallbacks and endless questions, the main one being: how do you know you've found the "one"?

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Podcasts Lauren Cook Podcasts Lauren Cook

Creating Happiness with Dr. Lauren Cook

Let's talk about goal setting through a bucket list & the happiness that comes with it - with Author, Speaker & Therapist Dr. Lauren Cook. Lauren is an amazing woman with an optimistic attitude and who is clearly passionate about all of her endeavors.

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Why You Have Obsessive Thoughts, and What to Do About Them

For some people who experience obsessive thoughts, they're so frequent and intense that they affect sleep and the ability to stay focused during the day, says Nancy Irwin, clinical psychologist at Seasons in Malibu, an addiction treatment center. Over time, these thoughts can affect relationships and physical health. They're typically negative or dark, and they can feel really scary.

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Emotional Processing Lauren Cook Emotional Processing Lauren Cook

25 Expert-Approved Anger Management Tools to Use When You’re Pissed Off

Anger is a natural, primitive emotion, one that serves a number of distinct purposes, from helping us set boundaries when we need space to pumping us full of additional adrenaline when we encounter an altercation. In other words, it’s extremely useful. It’s also extremely not, as it can crop up in the wrong situations and lashing out is an easy way to isolate yourself from family and friends.

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Anxiety Lauren Cook Anxiety Lauren Cook

11 Signs Of Anxiety That Can Be Mistaken For Everyday Problems

Even if you don't immediately recognize them as signs of anxiety, you might notice that you have a few ongoing, everyday problems that just don't feel quite right. While you may be able to go to work, see friends, and get through the day, these symptoms could still be taking a toll. And may even be a sign you're more anxious than you realize.

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

Learn to Forgive

When something happens to you, you may think that you will never be able to forget it or forgive the person involved. However, Bustle, and Lauren Cook, MMFT, who is a clinician practicing emotionally-focused therapy, explains that forgiving that person instead of holding a grudge is really what's best for you.

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Positive Psychology, Anxiety Lauren Cook Positive Psychology, Anxiety Lauren Cook

10 Ways to Shut Down Monday Dread

“Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation, but it can easily become a day of worry and anticipatory anxiety,” says Lauren Cook, MMFT, therapist and author of “The Sunny Side Up! Celebrating Happiness.” “Our culture places increasing value on being ‘busy’ and productive — and that takes a toll on our minds and bodies.”

How, though, can we stop Monday dread from ruining our precious Sundays? I needed a game plan, so I asked the experts about giving this special brand of anxiety the boot.

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