How to Manage Your Anger
In a world that can be challenging and frustrating at times, it’s not difficult for anger to find its way into your thoughts and overpower your other emotions. While you can’t avoid ever feeling angry, you can find ways to your feelings.
According to Lauren Cook, MMFT , therapist and clinical psychologist candidate at Pepperdine, anger occurs when one experiences a feeling of frustration and agitation that becomes so powerful that their cognitive functioning becomes impaired. The emotional part of the brain then takes over and their sense of logic can temporarily diminish.
Why You Have Obsessive Thoughts, and What to Do About Them
For some people who experience obsessive thoughts, they're so frequent and intense that they affect sleep and the ability to stay focused during the day, says Nancy Irwin, clinical psychologist at Seasons in Malibu, an addiction treatment center. Over time, these thoughts can affect relationships and physical health. They're typically negative or dark, and they can feel really scary.
25 Expert-Approved Anger Management Tools to Use When You’re Pissed Off
Anger is a natural, primitive emotion, one that serves a number of distinct purposes, from helping us set boundaries when we need space to pumping us full of additional adrenaline when we encounter an altercation. In other words, it’s extremely useful. It’s also extremely not, as it can crop up in the wrong situations and lashing out is an easy way to isolate yourself from family and friends.