11 Signs Of Anxiety That Can Be Mistaken For Everyday Problems
Even if you don't immediately recognize them as signs of anxiety, you might notice that you have a few ongoing, everyday problems that just don't feel quite right. While you may be able to go to work, see friends, and get through the day, these symptoms could still be taking a toll. And may even be a sign you're more anxious than you realize.
Anxiety 101: Everything You Need To Know
If you've had one too many sleepless nights lately, it's all too understandable — there’s a lot to worry about these days! More likely than not, you’re experiencing anxiety. But know that you're not alone.
10 Ways to Shut Down Monday Dread
“Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation, but it can easily become a day of worry and anticipatory anxiety,” says Lauren Cook, MMFT, therapist and author of “The Sunny Side Up! Celebrating Happiness.” “Our culture places increasing value on being ‘busy’ and productive — and that takes a toll on our minds and bodies.”
How, though, can we stop Monday dread from ruining our precious Sundays? I needed a game plan, so I asked the experts about giving this special brand of anxiety the boot.