How COVID-19 is Impacting Your Mental Health
Now that businesses are beginning to reopen after abrupt shutdowns prompted by COVID-19, it could be assumed that we as a society would be itching to get back to our regularly scheduled lives. But after months of coping with isolation and working from home, you might find yourself experiencing just the opposite. “Quarantine showed us just how overworked and non-stop our culture has really become,” explains Lauren Cook, PsyD. “When we had some extra time to simply be with our families, it reminded us of what really matters.” If you’re feeling anxious about returning to work and social events, know that you’re not alone, and definitely not crazy. Read on for the science behind what might be happening in your brain, and get some tips for making the transition easier on yourself.
How to Keep Political Debates From Ruining Relationships
For Democrats and Republicans, the political polarization in this country is palpable.
"I had a client just this past week — their relationship ended because of differences in how they were voting," said Dr. Lauren Cook, a local therapist and author.
She says many political conversations nowadays go beyond a simple difference of opinion. Some have told her they feel their morals are under attack.
Why Your Values Are Important
Values are important because they guide our beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. They help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. In this episode, Dr. Lauren Cook shares how she has helped others with creating value informed decisions that are in alignment with their lives. Dr. Lauren shares her insights on how identifying your values can be helpful to overall wellness.
Sexplain It: My Wife Refuses to Have Sex More Than 4 Times a Week
To help recommend some ways you can feel appreciated, desired, and loved without sex, I showed your question to therapist and author Dr. Lauren Cook, PsyD. She says you should take Dr. Gary Chapman's Love Languages test. “Whether that's spending quality time, offering words of affirmation, or helping around the house, you’ll learn what your partner needs to do to help you feel loved,” she says.
Social Graces: How to Handle When Your Partner Feels Differently about COVID-19
From the start, you and your partner or roommate have been on the same page with a COVID-19 safety routine. Now they want to relax the rules, but you don’t. What should you say?
How to Talk about the Coronavirus
COVID-19 isn’t likely to disappear any time soon. So we are going to have to learn how to get along with family and friends who disagree about how seriously to take the coronavirus.
Long Distance Date Ideas
FaceTime fatigue in your long-distance relationship? Same. The good news: Brainstorming some exciting, long-distance date ideas that are more interesting than a video chat from your couch is easier than you think.
Gen Z Understands First Hand The Importance of Mental Health and It Will Make Them Better Parents
Generation Z is more likely to report mental health issues than previous generations and screen time has a lot to do with that. But here's how experts say that might influence how they raise their kids.
Recruitment Ready Conversations
Living through this season of uncertainty & reflection, we have all been affected, but each of us in our own unique way. So as we prepare to be together again and welcome new sisters into our chapters this fall, you might be thinking: “what am I supposed to talk about in recruitment?!” My sweet sister friend & ray of sunshine, Lauren Cook, has the most valuable insight for how we can intentionally approach recruitment this year. As a mental health professional & keynote speaker, she also shares her perspective on the sorority’s role in the pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement. She is truly a ray of sunshine and I hope her story inspires you to SHOW UP as you are
Therapy Is the Best Graduation Gift You Could Give or Receive
This graduation season is unlike anything we could have imagined, but I hope that during this time, you’re still finding ways to celebrate your hard work. This is your moment to revel in all that you’ve accomplished and to dream about the great places you’ll go, but you may also be feeling uneasy about the journey ahead. From one college grad to another, I can relate to the emotional rollercoaster.
When Social Distancing Ends, How Do You Take A Relationship From URL To IRL?
There's no way around it: First dates are always a little bit awkward. But if you finally meet someone you've been dating online after social distancing ends, you may realize you've forgotten how to be an actual human who goes on actual dates. Instead of hiding behind a screen and thinking up witty remarks, you'll be face-to-face and chatting in real-time. How will you be your charming self without the ability to turn off your camera? And what if the chemistry just isn't there? The transition can definitely be a bit harsh.
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health During the Pandemic
As COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders are being indefinitely extended. But experts fear we may be heading toward a mental health crisis.
Why Teletherapy Is a Good Idea and How to Start
As parents juggle a multitude of to-dos in the midst of this global crisis, it can feel intimidating to begin something new, especially a seemingly weighty undertaking like therapy. But experts say there's never been a better time. Here's why—and how—you should get started.