There Are Many Ways of Dealing With Stress—Understanding Your Partner’s Is More Important Than Ever
There are many ways of dealing with stress, and I, for, one tend to isolate. My relatively new boyfriend did not know this, but he definitely learned it the hard way last week when, out of nowhere, I shut him out completely. Even though this reaction of mine had nothing to do with him or our relationship, he (understandably) took it personally, and we almost broke up.
Mental Health Myths
Many people doubt the complexity and severity of mental health issues because they usually can't be seen with the naked eye. And with so much stigma surrounding mental illness, there are a lot of misconceptions out there. But while you can rest assured that your mental health challenges are not "all in your head," these common mental health myths might be. To help dispel some rumors and misinformation, we've rounded up the most common mental health myths professionals say they've come across, and why perpetuating these false notions can be extremely harmful.
How to Make Sure Isolation With Your Partner Doesn't End in a Quarantine Divorce
As if tensions over the mental load, child care challenges, and the general stresses of everyday life weren't enough for couples, the coronavirus crisis is already provoking increased conflict between partners.
30 Tips for Reducing Holiday Chaos to Create a More Peaceful Home
Feelings of peace, joy, and love are in especially high demand this time of year. And whether or not you’re “feeling it” may have to do with your home environment.
According to happiness expert Gretchen Rubin, this concept is one of the great secrets of adulthood
Dealing with Any Family Without Being a Royal Pain
f they did it, you can too.
Many are talking about the way Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, have begun paving their way out of the royal family’s traditional dynamics and into a life that works for them.
What we can learn from Harry and Meghan
It seems like everyone is talking about the way Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, are paving their way out of the royal family’s traditional dynamics and into a life that works for them
After a family meeting, Queen Elizabeth issued a statement that said that while she would have preferred that the two remain full-time royals, the family is “entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan’s desire to create a new life as a young family.”
And we should be just as supportive, according to therapists, because there are things we can learn from their decision to prioritize what is best for them.
This Is the Age With the Least Happiness in Life— It’s Actually a Magic Year
Happiness in life isn’t a constant state of being. It’s completely normal for it to rise and fall as time goes by. The year you fall in love might represent the peak of happiness; the year you lose a loved one is likely a low point.
We joke that the years before the reality of work and bills are the height of happiness. Remember when getting mail was fun and not a reminder to pay your Internet bill? And having a job sounded glamorous and didn’t involve long hours at the office? According to a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, it might carry some weight. Researchers reviewed data from 132 countries and found a happiness curve. Happiness falls after the age of 18, reaching its lowest point in the late 40s.
Start the New Year Right By Finally Getting Your Kids to Do Chores
Welcome to the New Year! Though we’ve just entered the new decade, chances are you’re getting pretty sick and tired of reading about everyone’s 2020 New Year’s resolutions: Less Netflix, more reading. Less caffeine, more water. Yadda, yadda, yadda. While we wish everyone the best in their endeavors, chances are these people will be the ones complaining about how they’ve already opted for a Netflix binge instead of a long read in three weeks. But not you. This year, you’re going to set an intention that you can actually keep. Yes, this is the year you are finally going to get your kids to help out with chores — and it’s not going to be a complete struggle.
20 Different Ways to Successfully Find Love in 2020
There's this common belief that falling in love is something that just happens to us. Despite all our efforts, there's nothing we can truly do except hope that the next person we meet is "the one."
Are You Using Alcohol As A Social Crutch? Here’s How to Tell
A glass of wine after a long day at the office can be wonderful—no doubt—and hitting happy hour with friends or co-workers can also be a welcome activity to blow off some steam. But if you’re consistently relying on alcohol to give you social energy, it could be a sign that something’s up and you need to cut back.
It can be tricky to determine if you are in fact using alcohol as a social crutch when you’re out and about. Yet, there are a few clear signs that might indicate so. Here’s what to look for.
17 Subtle Signs Your Relationship Is Just a Fling
Despite what romantic comedies might tell us, dating isn't always fun or easy. That's especially true when the two people involved aren't on the same page about where their relationship is going: One may be eager to make a commitment while the other is looking for nothing more than a good time. So, how do you tell if your relationship isn't heading anywhere? With the help of therapists, we've rounded up the surefire signs your relationship isn't serious.
How To Succeed In The Dating World During The Most Stressful Time Of Year
The holiday season is hyped up to be the “most wonderful time of the year” (thank you, carolers), but — call me a grinch if you must — I’d be more likely to classify it as the most stressful time of the year. As if the pressure to be merry and jolly isn’t already on full blast, the holidays conveniently fall smack in the middle of cuffing season. Needless to say, being single right now can seem like a struggle, but it’s actually one of the best times to start seeing someone new.
17 Little Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your Marriage Strong
Ask anyone who's tied the knot and they'll tell you: Even couples who seem like they're made for each other put a lot of hard work into making sure their marriages remain healthy. And while romantic getaways and over-the-top gifts may be nice, when it comes down to it, it's the little things you do on a daily basis that keep that flame lit. With the help of top therapists, we've rounded up the things every married person should be doing on the regular to keep their marriage health
11 Most Heart-Warming Hugs of the Last Decade
Sisters and tennis icons Serena Willians and Venus Williams shared an epic embrace after winning the Olympic gold medal for Women’s Doubles Tennis in 2012. “We are captivated by images of people hugging because our own mirror neurons feel a sense of connection we see others hugging–in other words, it’s like receiving a virtual hug,” explains Lauren Cook, a therapist, author of Name Your Story: How to Talk Openly About Mental Health. A hug is an indication of social reciprocity, warmth, and caring—all indicators that humans crave in their social connections. It is natural that we crave these close connections and feel a sense of joy when we see others hugging as well.
How to Manage Your Anger
In a world that can be challenging and frustrating at times, it’s not difficult for anger to find its way into your thoughts and overpower your other emotions. While you can’t avoid ever feeling angry, you can find ways to your feelings.
According to Lauren Cook, MMFT , therapist and clinical psychologist candidate at Pepperdine, anger occurs when one experiences a feeling of frustration and agitation that becomes so powerful that their cognitive functioning becomes impaired. The emotional part of the brain then takes over and their sense of logic can temporarily diminish.
12 Ways New Parents Can (and Should) Ask for Help
Communicating our needs can be difficult at any stage of life — and it certainly doesn’t get easier after a baby arrives. During this time of uphill battles — some literal (like hauling a stroller up a flight of stairs) and some figurative (like dealing with postpartum anxiety) — it’s not unusual to feel awkward about asking for help.
It’s only human to feel like we’re imposing on others by asking for a hand. But attempting to power through baby care single-handedly can leave you feeling overwhelmed and alone. Parenting your new little one requires extreme amounts of energy and fortitude, and it’s absolutely okay if you’re not able to muster them at the moment.