Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

17 Subtle Signs Your Relationship Is Just a Fling

Despite what romantic comedies might tell us, dating isn't always fun or easy. That's especially true when the two people involved aren't on the same page about where their relationship is going: One may be eager to make a commitment while the other is looking for nothing more than a good time. So, how do you tell if your relationship isn't heading anywhere? With the help of therapists, we've rounded up the surefire signs your relationship isn't serious.

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Relationships, Holidays Lauren Cook Relationships, Holidays Lauren Cook

How To Succeed In The Dating World During The Most Stressful Time Of Year

The holiday season is hyped up to be the “most wonderful time of the year” (thank you, carolers), but — call me a grinch if you must — I’d be more likely to classify it as the most stressful time of the year. As if the pressure to be merry and jolly isn’t already on full blast, the holidays conveniently fall smack in the middle of cuffing season. Needless to say, being single right now can seem like a struggle, but it’s actually one of the best times to start seeing someone new.

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

17 Little Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your Marriage Strong

Ask anyone who's tied the knot and they'll tell you: Even couples who seem like they're made for each other put a lot of hard work into making sure their marriages remain healthy. And while romantic getaways and over-the-top gifts may be nice, when it comes down to it, it's the little things you do on a daily basis that keep that flame lit. With the help of top therapists, we've rounded up the things every married person should be doing on the regular to keep their marriage health

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

Experts Explain Why We Stay in the Wrong Relationship

This isn’t necessarily an issue when you’re young and new to the dating world. It’s the whole point of dating — trying out and figuring out the type of relationship you want for the long run. But as you get older and these try outs become longer, it can be easy to get stuck. Before you know it, familiarity can look like love and time spent turns into reasons to stay. Before you know it, you’re happy… but not happy enough.

Why does this happen? Why do we stay in relationships that are just okay? Why are we willing to settle for a love that is less than?

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

How to Rebuild Trust in a Relationship, According to a Marriage Counselor

When you’ve been burned by someone you love, it’s hard to know where to begin. You’re torn between tending to your own wounds, surveying the full scope of the damage and rebuilding your relationship when the foundation looks like...rubble. Plus, no matter the size or specifics of the scandal, you weren’t the only one taken down by it—that person you love lost a lot of credibility and you might both be wishing you could go back to a time when your trust was intact.

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

10 Signs You’ve Found The One, According To Relationship Experts

For some, dating is simply a means to meet someone new and possibly make a connection that leads to friendship or a potential relationship. Others, however, can take a more intentional approach and use dates as vehicles to drive you to your soulmate. If you're in the latter category, you are well aware that said journey is not without its fallbacks and endless questions, the main one being: how do you know you've found the "one"?

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Relationships Lauren Cook Relationships Lauren Cook

Learn to Forgive

When something happens to you, you may think that you will never be able to forget it or forgive the person involved. However, Bustle, and Lauren Cook, MMFT, who is a clinician practicing emotionally-focused therapy, explains that forgiving that person instead of holding a grudge is really what's best for you.

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