20 Different Ways to Successfully Find Love in 2020
There's this common belief that falling in love is something that just happens to us. Despite all our efforts, there's nothing we can truly do except hope that the next person we meet is "the one."
10 Signs You’ve Found The One, According To Relationship Experts
For some, dating is simply a means to meet someone new and possibly make a connection that leads to friendship or a potential relationship. Others, however, can take a more intentional approach and use dates as vehicles to drive you to your soulmate. If you're in the latter category, you are well aware that said journey is not without its fallbacks and endless questions, the main one being: how do you know you've found the "one"?
Your adult child resents the way you parented them. Here's how to handle it.
This 8-step process will help you get through the conversation and build a better relationship with your grown children.
Learning to Shed the Imposter Syndrome
For years, I’d longed to meet someone who was kind, caring and loved me back. But when that finally happened, I couldn’t allow myself to be happy. In the back of my head there was this nagging thought: I’m too broken and damaged to be loved fully.