Anxiety & Depression Lauren Cook Anxiety & Depression Lauren Cook

Are You Using Alcohol As A Social Crutch? Here’s How to Tell

A glass of wine after a long day at the office can be wonderful—no doubt—and hitting happy hour with friends or co-workers can also be a welcome activity to blow off some steam. But if you’re consistently relying on alcohol to give you social energy, it could be a sign that something’s up and you need to cut back.

It can be tricky to determine if you are in fact using alcohol as a social crutch when you’re out and about. Yet, there are a few clear signs that might indicate so. Here’s what to look for.

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Holidays Lauren Cook Holidays Lauren Cook

8 Strategies For A Mentally Healthy Holiday Season

In a perfect world, the holidays would be full of good cheer, and only good cheer. 

In reality, the extra-hectic schedule, expectations and desire to please others that tend to come with the season can lead to a less festive emotional state. 

This year, make a plan for lower-stress, higher-happiness holidays with these tips from mental health and wellness professionals.

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Why You Have Obsessive Thoughts, and What to Do About Them

For some people who experience obsessive thoughts, they're so frequent and intense that they affect sleep and the ability to stay focused during the day, says Nancy Irwin, clinical psychologist at Seasons in Malibu, an addiction treatment center. Over time, these thoughts can affect relationships and physical health. They're typically negative or dark, and they can feel really scary.

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Positive Psychology, Anxiety Lauren Cook Positive Psychology, Anxiety Lauren Cook

10 Ways to Shut Down Monday Dread

“Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation, but it can easily become a day of worry and anticipatory anxiety,” says Lauren Cook, MMFT, therapist and author of “The Sunny Side Up! Celebrating Happiness.” “Our culture places increasing value on being ‘busy’ and productive — and that takes a toll on our minds and bodies.”

How, though, can we stop Monday dread from ruining our precious Sundays? I needed a game plan, so I asked the experts about giving this special brand of anxiety the boot.

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